Jun 22, 2021

Review of Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw

A new tab has been set up under Planning & Development for the review of the Rural Municipality of Lajord No. 128's Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw, 

Residents, landowners, business owners and other key stakeholders all have an important part in shaping the plan.  Your involvement will help provide a voice to the unique context of local concerns.

During the next three weeks, the RM will be conducting an online survey along with individual stakeholder consultations.  By taking the time to complete the survey and provide your comments you can have a say in the future of this municipality.

With your input, Council will be able to create an OCP that will identify the needs of the municipality and guide the future vision as well as provide a current view of expectations around growth.

Survey will be open until Wednesday, June 30, 2021 - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2X7GK8Q