Mar 19, 2021

Public Notice


R.M. of Lajord No. 128

Notice of Discretionary Use Application


Pursuant to Section 55 of the Planning and Development Act 2007, the Council of the Rural Municipality of Lajord No. 128 gives notice that a discretionary use application has been received and the details are as follows:

Discretionary Use Permit: Storage Facility – Blk/Par B Plan No. 101329039 Ext. 7

Intended Discretionary Use:  To operate a recreational vehicle and trailer storage facility on the SW ¼ 26-15-17 W2M – Blk/Par B Plan No. 101329039 Ext. 7.

Public Hearing:  Council will hold a public hearing to receive submissions on the proposed application at 11:30am on Tuesday, April 13, 2021, at the Kronau Curling Rink in Kronau, Saskatchewan.  Due to current and anticipated COVID social distancing and assembly requirements, Council is intending to have an online participation component at the public hearing for those who wish to make verbal representation.  Parties interested in making representation are required to register for the online component and are encouraged to contact the RM office for details, the meeting itself will be open to the public to observe through the online component.  The deadline for receipt of written comments and requests for representation at the meeting must be received by the RM office by April 8, 2021.  For further information, please call Lynette Herauf, Administrator at 306-781-2744 or

Dated at the Hamlet of Lajord, in the Province of Saskatchewan, this 19th day of March 2021.


Lynette Herauf, Administrator